Baltic states orbat axis history forum
Baltic states orbat axis history forum

baltic states orbat axis history forum

Chile can no longer join the Internationale, if the Internationale backs Argentina when they threaten Chile.Argentina can now send volunteers to Papal States, via its national focus, more easily.Argentina can now always attract Spanish immigrants, since the war is inevitable.Updated Argentina’s foreign policy national focuses to account for puppets.Removed the West Indies Confederation restrictions on Entente cooperation.The governor's coup in the West Indies Federation will no longer peace them out with enemies of the Entente.West Indies Federation RadSoc ministers now have the correct ideology.For the American Civil War, slightly buffed the CSA, PSA and nerfed the AUS.The US splinters will now never break the ceasefire during its first month, even if the conditions allow it.Renamed some New Englander equipment to not be Canadian.Haiti’s Monte Cristi national focus now bypasses if the Dominican Republic is dead.For Guatemala, Ubico's coup can't trigger for puppets anymore.Costa Rica can no longer unify Central America by simply having the same government as them.Centroamerica’s Moderados are now RadSoc.Fixed a frontline issue near Johannesburg in the Transvaal.Added a strategic region for the Persian Gulf.Added a new victory point to Karelia, and adjusted its population.Expanded the Murmansk state to cover the Murman Railway.Reworked the borders of the Kars Oblast and corrected the position of Lake Sevan.Updated flag renders for Afghanistan, Belgium, Canada, Dominion of India, Germany, German East Asia, German State, Left Kuomintang, Mittelafrika, Rhodesia, Südwestafrika, Tibet and Wallonia.

baltic states orbat axis history forum

New flags for Buganda, Socialist Korea, Nepal, socialist Netherlands.Commune of France: Clément Blanc, Édouard Peisson.Combined Syndicates of America: Robert S.

baltic states orbat axis history forum

  • Wars now cause a -30% stability penalty as in vanilla.
  • Russia can now request alliances with countries that claim its lands - but the latter have a very high chance of requesting the return of their cores in exchange for joining the Moscow Accord.
  • The Garner-Wagner Bill passing or failing is now an event choice, instead of being random.
  • Britain’s population is no longer 3M smaller than its OTL value.
  • This is a change done in preparation for future work on the Caucasus’ content.
  • The Vilayet of Armenia no longer exists on the map as a country, and instead is now held directly by the Ottomans.

  • Baltic states orbat axis history forum